A wayward driver can take you by surprise at any time. That said, there are certain times of day when you’re more at risk of being involved and injured in a serious car accident. By being cognizant of this reality, you can better prepare yourself to take defensive...
You Need A Hatfield On Your Side!
Month: November 2023
Deadly roads in Somerset and in the rest of Kentucky
Earlier this year, researchers published rankings of the states with the deadliest roadways. Kentucky came in sixth. According to that report, for every 100,000 people in the state, Kentucky had 17.31 traffic fatalities. Unfortunately, these statistics appear to be...
Why are so many pedestrian accidents hit-and-runs?
Hearing about reckless or careless drivers on the news is scary, but then seeing it during a daily commute to work or when trying go for a walk in the neighborhood is a completely different experience. It seems that not only are the number of car wrecks on the rise,...
Safety campaign puts the focus on pedestrians in Kentucky
An auto accident in Kentucky can happen to anyone, but some people are subject to greater vulnerability than others. Those who are not protected by a vehicle of their own can suffer catastrophic injuries and death. Specifically, this is true for pedestrians. With the...
Special rules for alcohol consumption for truck drivers
There are many different types of vehicles on the roads in Kentucky each day. People drive sedans, SUVs, pick-up trucks, delivery vans, small trucks, semi-trucks, motorcycles and other types of vehicles. It is important that all drivers on the roads drive safely to...
Could my own insurance company compensate me?
If you are seriously injured in an automobile accident, your own insurance company may have to pay compensation for your medical bills, lost wages and, possibly, your non-economic losses like emotional distress or pain and suffering. Sometimes, as an accident victim,...
Moped rider seriously injured in rear end collision
Motorcycle and moped riders are exposed to serious injury when they collide with another motor vehicle. The risk of serious injury or death is especially acute if the collision involves a significantly heavier vehicle such as a pickup truck. A recent collision near...
Pedestrian deaths in Kentucky work zones are on the rise
In Kentucky, pedestrians might feel as if they are under siege with the dangers they face. The combination of drivers who are distracted, drive at excessive speeds, are reckless, drive while drowsy and get behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs...
Bicyclists’ rights in Kentucky
Riding a bicycle is a fantastic way for Kentucky residents to get exercise and commute. Many individuals choose to cycle to and from their jobs, or to ride when they have time for both fitness and fun. Riding a bike is a skill that many Somerset residents acquire in...
Three reasons drivers often miss seeing motorcycles on the roads
Motorcycle accidents often have tragic results and leave motorcyclists with long-term physical and mental harm. Though there are many causes of accidents between vehicles and motorcycles, many tie back to negligence and distraction on the part of vehicle drivers. This...