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Why are you in shock after a car accident?

On Behalf of | Oct 23, 2024 | Car Accidents

A car accident in Kentucky involving serious injuries is a traumatizing event. It is common for car accident victims to experience both physical and emotional shock after an accident.

Knowing how to identify symptoms of shock after a car accident is important. Physical shock that is left untreated could cause injuries to become even more serious or life-threatening, while emotional shock may lead to post-traumatic stress disorder or other lingering psychological issues.

Car accidents happen quickly, usually within a split second. When we experience a sudden and serious, our bodies and minds react strongly. Shock is our bodies way of reacting to this unexpected traumatic event.

Physical shock

Physical shock, also called hypovolemic shock, happens when the body quickly loses a major amount of blood or fluids. This is often caused by an internal injury that you may not initially be aware of. This type of shock cuts off oxygen to vital organs and causes your blood pressure to drop.

Some common signs of physical shock are nausea, anxiety, dizziness, shallow breathing, thirst and dry mouth. You might also experience chest pain, confusion or an irregular heartbeat.

Physical shock requires immediate medical attention. You do not always feel the effects of physical shock, which is why it is important to call an ambulance and get checked out by a doctor after a car accident no matter what.

Psychological shock

Emotional or psychological shock occurs when we believe our lives are in danger and there is no escape. The effects of psychological shock can be permanent.

Look for these signs of psychological shock:

  • Explosions of anger
  • Irritability
  • Persistent fear

Feelings of emptiness or constant intrusive thoughts, particularly about the car accident, are also signs of psychological shock. You may find yourself staring off into space and freezing as your thoughts return to the car accident.

Seeking treatment for psychological shock can help prevent it from turning into a more serious condition such as post-traumatic stress disorder.

In addition to seeing a doctor for physical symptoms after a car accident, it is a good idea to visit a mental health professional. They can help you work through the mental and psychological trauma from the accident.

Documenting physical and psychological shock

Document your injuries after a car accident. Physical injuries can be documented through photographs and medical records and receipts. Keep a daily journal of your symptoms, thoughts and feelings.

Mental health treatment notes, your journal and receipts from any therapy or counseling are documentation of your psychological symptoms.

This documentation can be used as evidence if you file a personal injury action after a car accident.

You need both physical and mental healing after a car accident. Have a support system of family and friends and do not underestimate the importance of mental health treatment.

After you have sought medical treatment for your immediate injuries, learn about your legal rights and options. Car accident victims can receive compensation for physical and psychological injuries through a personal injury action based on negligence.