Accidents between motor vehicles and bicycles can be devastating when bike-riding victims sustain serious injuries. Many of these incidents occur at intersections and when vehicles and bikes are in motion. However, in Kentucky and throughout the country, one form of...
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Month: July 2020
Understanding Kentucky bike laws
While automobiles are a primary source for transportation in Kentucky, this is not the only way to get around. Many rely on bicycles to get around, causing bikers to travel near or right next to automobile traffic. This can be problematic, especially when motorists...
Understanding accident reconstruction
Accident reports in newspapers across Kentucky often end with the statement, “Police are pursuing further investigation.” What exactly does this sentence mean? On many occasions, the sentence simply means that police are interviewing potential witnesses. On some...
Fatal accident in Pulaski County
We live in a beautiful area of the country, wonderfully less populated than many other areas. This gives us room to breathe and room to drive, but unfortunately, this does not inoculate us from the perils of the road. Indeed, every time we get on the road, we take a...
Evidence used to prove your car accident claim
Even seemingly minor car accidents can result in devastating consequences that last a lifetime. Many accident victims file a personal injury claim against the negligent parties responsible for their accident in the hopes of recovering compensation for the injuries and...
Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving
People rarely get enough sleep these days, so it is not surprising that many people are falling asleep behind the wheel of their vehicles or are unable to focus on the road due to a lack of sleep. Even just one or two hours of missed sleep can have catastrophic...
Maintaining a safe distance from trucks
Maintaining a safe distance between your vehicle and a truck can help keep you safe on the roads. The difference in size between large trucks and passenger vehicles means that a collision can have deadly consequences. Is there a time when trucks are more dangerous to...
Pedestrian accidents involving SUVs have higher fatality rates
Kentucky pedestrians who are hit by any motor vehicle are vulnerable to injuries and fatalities. Their lack of protection combined with the size and speed of automobiles can cause brain trauma, spinal cord damage, broken bones, cuts, bruises and long-term damage. What...
Head-on collision in nearby Whitley County leaves one person dead
Motor vehicle accidents are so common in Kentucky and throughout the country that most people don’t think twice when they see an accident scene on the side of the road. However, fatal car accidents can still be jarring for any community when they occur. Our readers...
How can motorists really “see” motorcycles?
Driving requires a responsibility to share the road, regardless of the vehicle you own and operate. Commercial truckers are typically well-aware of their blind spots. However, those in family vehicles may not recognize the potential dangers of decreased visibility....