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How can an attorney move your injury claim forward during the quarantine?

On Behalf of | May 8, 2020 | Firm News

We’ve all come together during this unprecedented time to take action to protect ourselves, our neighbors and our communities during these unprecedented times. However, many aspects of our lives have been put on hold during the quarantine, including any pending or potential personal injury claims you may have been pursuing.

The Supreme Court of Kentucky issued numerous Orders in response to the current emergency. The Order 2020-28 will remain effective until May 31, 2020 and states that all judicial facilities will not be open for in-person services, and civil jury trials will be postponed for the time being and rescheduled for a later date. Only civil matters that merit prompt attention will receive a telephonic or video hearing. However, does that mean your personal injury claim is at a standstill?

Not necessarily. While the court is closed, your attorney can continue to make and negotiate claims with insurance companies. Our firm will continue to take on new personal injury claims, and we will provide consultations by phone and videoconferencing.

In addition, it is important to continue non-emergency medical treatment related to your claim. Tele-medicine may be one option for you. You may want to contact your healthcare provider and insurance carrier to see if you can continue to be treated for your injuries through tele-medicine. If you are treated for your injury during this health emergency, make sure to let us know. Continuing your medical care is important both for your health and your personal injury claim.

Staying home and social distancing may continue for some time, but you shouldn’t fear that it means that your pending personal injury claim is paused for an indeterminate amount of time. Our firm can help move your claim forward through remote consultation, negotiating with insurers and continuing to collect evidence, so when the courts re-open, we can be prepared to move forward with your claim.